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Appearing Naked in Other Peoples Dreams - Appearing naked in other people's dreams is a concept which occurred to me as I woke up this morning from a dream in which I was naked.

The Wyrding Well of the Pines - When they had built the fit trail through the old Doc?s resort, they tore down the water tower.

Humor An Introduction - Humor.

The Funny Thing About Humor - Did you ever have one of those days?.

O The Price of Biscuits and Gravy - Hey, does anybody out there have diabetes?.

Mothers Day Card Observation - This Mother's Day season opened my eyes to something I never really paid attention to before.

Abatement of Lawyers Caesar Style - Everyone is well aware of the problems with too many laws and lawyers in our nation.

A Funny Joke and The Man without Humor - April fool?s day is a favorite day for some, because there are many funny jokes that can be played.

The Bomber Readers Beware - My family calls me ?The Bomber?, not because I?m into explosives, but because I have the first pair of Bausch and Lomb aviator sunglasses ever made, making me look like an air force bombardier pilot.

Real Men Love Jesus Why is he Gay - Perhaps you have seen that bumper sticker that says; Real men love Jesus.

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