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Make a wish on Titan and send it to your friends

A new type of eCard simulates science news webpage

Recently a piece of news is widely spread on internet. It announces that NASA scientists have found mysterious characters on the rock of Titan and it might be the sign of civilization having existed on the planet. Bob Rowntree received this URL link (http://www.uuswap.

com/ecard_titan.php) from her girl friend on MSN this morning. When he felt suspicious about the trueness of the source, with an accidental click on the picture, Dave saw his name and a josh message!

This page has a headline "Sign of civilization discovered on Titan!" with the news category "Science". A set of space pictures are located adjacent serving as a foil.

The underside picture shows NASA scientists gather themselves together discussing excitedly, which helps enhance the suspense.

Go to the bottom of this page, it comes to your sense that the whole thing is a friendly joke. You can fill in the form; write down wishing message and forward to your friends with a surprise!

Many receivers are satisfied at the effect and feel it an exceptional way to send greeting to friends.

. About the Author .

Freelance web editor. .

By: Maggie Jones


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